Chris Rollings
North East Region
Chris Rollings is the the Headteacher of Hadrian School in Newcastle upon Tyne. Chris has been Headteacher for 15 years at a school for primary aged children with a range of additional needs including complex, profound learning disabilities, severe and moderate and an increasing number of dysregulated autistic children.
In addition to Chris' association as a Regional Lead with MISS, he is also Chair of EQUALS ( - a national charity supporting teachers of children with additional needs in the specialist and mainstream sector. Chris is the Regional Chair of the FLSE with over 50 schools represented for children and young people in the North-East region, and sits with other MiSS Regional Leaders on the National SEND Forum, which meets half termly with the great and good of special education and health nationally. Chris also sits on the Newcastle SEND Executive supporting the specialist sector in Newcastle.
Hadrian School has its own training company HEADS (, which produces publications and training all year round, for which Chris is a trustee. Chris has recently authored two new publications on Rebound Therapy and Halliwick (Hydrotherapy) and he also has a great interest in all aspects of learning disability.